Friday, February 6, 2009

And Griffin's 1/2 Birthday!

My sweet Griffin is a summer birthday boy. For those of you that have never had to endure this, it really is a sucky time to celebrate your birthday. No friends to be found, no treats at school, and well, if people aren't on vacation the day you want to have your party, they are probably out shopping for the new school year.

Tuesday was Griffin's official half birthday - February 3rd. So, when his birthday came and went so quietly this summer i made him a promise that i would talk to his teacher this year and we would celebrate his HALF birthday with friends at school. He's never been able to celebrate at school before and well, we all know, that kids LOVE to take birthday treats to share with their class.

Griffin's choice was a cookie cake. The lame mother that i am, i forgot to take a picture of the cake BEFORE we cut it. It really was awesome, thanks to Publix. A huge half-sheet cookie cake, with an enormous baseball in the middle and the CURSIVE (this is big because they are learning cursive in school right now) lettering, "Happy Birthday, Griffin!" He loved the cake. And so did everyone he shared it with . . . his entire class, the special ed class that his class buddies with, the PE teacher, his own teacher (2 pieces may i point out, because he really loves her) and 2 anonymous other 2nd grade teachers that he just likes and i guess wanted to brown nose!! Would you believe that we only returned home with one, 2inch square of cookie cake! What a relief for it all to be gone! I love my Griffin. He is the most caring and generous child around! He LOVES to share things that are special to him.

Anyhow, here he is eating HIS piece of the cake (needless to say, as generous as he is, he kept the piece with the MOST icing for himself). Happy Half Birthday, Buddy! I love you!

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